ios6 jb教學 | 最新版紅雪 redsn0w下載點

ios6 jb教學 | 最新版redsn0w下載點

ios6 jb教學 | 最新版紅雪 redsn0w下載點

網路上知名的 iDevice JB團隊放出最新的紅雪 redsn0w  0.9.15b3 版,這次我們能讓在 iOS 6 的 iDevice 進行半越獄(jailbreak)的動作,所謂的半JB就是無法直接讓iDevice重新開機,必須使用RedSn0w軟體才能重新開機,因為本次僅支援 A4 CPU 的 iDevice 使用,所以使用的機種只有 iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4和iPod Touch 4th Gen,相信再過一陣子就可以看到 A5 CPU 的破解消息了,請大家靜候佳音。


Notes about today [Redsn0w 0.9.15b3]:

  • The update made the redsn0w a lot easier to jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch.
  • The update came with the new-restore functionality.
  • The update include the ability to save iOS 6.0 SHSH blobs for iPad mini and iPad 4.
  • The update fixes the redsn0w “error 2601” that Windows users were seeing using the Restore button.
  • The update fixes a related Windows iTunes error 14 for stitched files. Note that if you have a baseband, you should probably avoid stitching and simply use redsn0w’s native Restore (not iTunes).
  • For owners of the new iPad Mini and iPad 4, they can use the update of redsn0w to save their 6.0 blobs off to Cydia by the following steps:
  • Connect the new device and turn it on
  • Use redsn0w’s Extras – SHSH Blobs – New – Point it at the 6.0 IPSW

越獄工具下載:Windows版 [下載] | Mac版 [下載] | 官方網站

5.1.1 iOS Firmware:各型號韌體下載 [下載]



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